Nice Gift

After 35 years of work in postal services, a postman is preparing for retirement and he works his last day as a Postman.

One family gives him a pan as a gift, another one gives him a key-tab, and when he rings at the third door, the door opens and a glamorous blonde appears on, holds his hand, and takes him to the bedroom where they spend two hours having the most amazing “Sex”.

After the shower she prepares breakfast: eggs with ham and orange juice and gives him a $5 bill.

During the meal, he was delirious and asks: “Can you explain all of this to me…?!?”

The Blonde says: “Yesterday, I told my husband that our postman is going to be retired and we need to make something for him, and he replies:

“‘Fuck him… give him 5 dollars!’… but the breakfast was my idea.”

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